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How to break through the plight of green logistics: 3 key +3 thinking

Author:Wuzhou Haisheng Group      release time:2016-07-15       source:Wuzhou Haisheng Group

Restrictions on the development of green logistics problems, capital, model, cost, management, industry environment, at first glance, everywhere is the problem, it seems people can not start, there is no prospects for green logistics? We put aside all the external factors, from the core part of the green logistics to talk about, green logistics core competitiveness is what, green logistics change focus should be where.

At present there are many forms of green logistics: the traditional logistics enterprises (Lingdan transport enterprises) of the trunk transport, courier companies trunk transport, logistics park trunk transport, enterprise own trunk transport. Here we select the largest number of the most representative of the traditional logistics enterprises (Lingdan transport enterprises) to analyze.

Green logistics core competitiveness is what we choose a logistics company, which is the most important point of it? Freight rates? speed? Safety?


   Three key points:


The same goods and lines, low tariff certainly is preferred. As we all know, an area of logistics enterprises, service and speed difference is not too much in the case, if the tariff is not dominant, then the first pass in the customer screening process was PASS probability is still great. In the enterprise cost is generally more sensitive to the circumstances, if the tariff advantage, it is easy to stand out in the many counterparts to attract customer attention.

From the reality of the mall promotions to online shopping carnival, low price of the attraction of customers is the most direct and effective. Obviously, low tariff is the most loved by customers.


Almost all shipping companies, will be shipped to ask a question: This cargo Shashi Hou to ah? Thus, the "timeliness" in the hearts of the customer's deep-rooted. Shipped to others, is certainly the sooner the better, time is money Well. We want to: let you add money to reduce the arrival time you willing? Can not say that all people are willing, but say a considerable number of people willing. In turn, the price is cheaper, the arrival time to extend you willing? You'd be willing to consignee on the crazy? Fast, green logistics is the most dominant factor, if not in a hurry, the customer will not specifically to Hair line. 


Who do not want to receive the goods look shabby, not to mention the damage to the goods, or even goods "missing." I believe that customers as long as there is such an experience, the basic will not choose such a logistics business. Security can be said to be the biggest impact on the customer experience a link. Slow, I put up, the price is high I recognized, the service is not good I understand, but even to my goods to make it look like! Security for the maintenance of customer relationships can play a decisive role. There is no security of the shipping business, basically there will be no repeat customers.

So, in the end which factor is the core? I believe that different shipping companies have their most valued part, but one thing is undoubtedly: low tariffs, speed, security, one of the three green logistics, shipping companies is the best gold medal logistics company. Line of change is to reshape the core competitiveness, to achieve the ideal green logistics company state. But that easy to do difficult, the reality of the difficulties, then how to seize the focus of change line, creating the ideal gold logistics company?


Three Thinking

Information control costs, started the price war

Logistics industry, "scattered, chaotic, poor," the characteristics of well-known, high logistics costs is an indisputable fact, green logistics how to reduce costs while fighting the price war, so that customer preferences are imminent.

In this regard, the logistics of information on it is essential. The full utilization of information, is conducive to reducing the line load, to promote business process information management, improve the logistics of the balance of price and interests in the dilemma of the status quo.


  Do a good job efficiency, urgent customer needs

The application of logistics information has changed from a single information query to logistics information control and vehicle transportation status control and so on, green logistics to change the low transport efficiency of the business situation, the application of information technology is the key, it is inevitable.

In the traditional mode, the reason for the poor timeliness of the green transportation is that the integration of the vehicle deployment and the special line, transfer, distribution and transit, if the whole application of the logistics information platform can be realized, more freight cars will meet the requirements. Good adaptation and integration, smooth transition through the large platform and match in advance to enhance the utilization of green logistics vehicles to enhance the timeliness of the entire green transport is the future development of green logistics core direction. Dedicated to Po, for example, for the majority of green companies to build a "Internet +" era of professional platform to enhance the level of enterprise information line.


  Safety and integrity, caress the last pain point

Relative to the transport price, delivery efficiency, cargo security should be the relative final concern of the customer, the operation process is not standardized, the phenomenon of damage to goods transport occurred; The lack of supervision, resulting in cargo security issues become the last pain point, if there is a problem, the solution is quite complex.

At present, the green logistics enterprises should strengthen the cargo to do a good job of cargo safety starting point, in the cargo loading, transit, unloading process the best full information monitoring, to the customer confidence choice; Most green logistics companies are now in the logistics platform for the qualification and integrity certification, the customer double guarantee. The loss of goods insurance, loss of insurance, etc., so green logistics enterprises in the after-sales service and security integrity to enhance the overall core competitiveness.

At present, the green logistics enterprises should strengthen the cargo to do a good job of cargo safety starting point, in the cargo loading, transit, unloading process the best full information monitoring, to the customer confidence choice; Most green logistics companies are now in the logistics platform for the qualification and integrity certification, the customer double guarantee. The loss of goods insurance, loss of insurance, etc., so green logistics enterprises in the after-sales service and security integrity to enhance the overall core competitiveness.

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